Asian cooking classes in London

Posted on Wed 15th September 2021

Lemongrass Grilled Chicken

Take your Sunday dinner to another level with this tasty Laotian-style grilled chicken recipe




1 hr


2 people

Most popular


1 Poussin

The Marinade

  • 2 cloves garlic

  • 1 handful coriander stalks & leaves

  • 1 tbsp black peppercorns

  • 2 tbsp oyster sauce

  • 1 tbsp light soy sauce

  • 1 ½ tbsp fish sauce

  • 1 tsp Thai chilli powder (crushed, toasted dried red chillies)

  • 1 lemongrass (bashed and finely chopped)

  • 1 tsp palm sugar

The Dipping Sauce

  • 3 cloves garlic

  • 1 tbsp sambal

  • 4 tbsp rice vinegar

  • 1 tbsp fish sauce

  • Handful coriander

  • 1 tbsp palm sugar / honey

  • Juice of 1 lime



Brush the base of the tin with oil. Toast the red chillies in the pan for 1 minute and then grind into a powder in the pestle and mortar. You want about 1 tsp of this chilli powder for the recipe. Add black peppercorns and finely chopped garlic to the pestle and mortar. Following this, bash 1lemongrass stalk and finely chop it before adding it to the pestle and mortar. Bash and combine together. Add the fish sauce, light soy sauce and oyster sauce to the pestle and mortar. Add 1 tsp of palm sugar and finely chopped coriander stalks to the mixture. Stir the contents of the mortar together to combine.

Butterfly your chicken so that it fits flatly in the tray. Rub your marinade all over the chicken. If you have time, wrap the chicken in cling foil and leave it to marinate in the fridge overnight but if you want to eat it sooner, then you can begin the cooking process.

Mix the dipping sauce ingredients together


Press down on the chicken by stacking another tin and some heavy objects on top of the chicken (putting a layer of grease-proof paper directly on top of the chicken to protect it). Pop it into the oven for 30-45 minutes at 210°C

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How to cook Lemongrass Grilled Chicken